How to Create T-Beams and L-Beams in RISA-3D
January 26, 2012

How to Create T-Beams and L-Beams in RISA-3D

Modeling T-beams and L-beams in RISA-3D can easily be done by specifying the flanges after drawing in the rectangular concrete beam. The flange properties can be specified for individual members on the Concrete Beam tab of the Members spreadsheet, or for a group of selected members in the...

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How Do I Assign Joists with Exact Spacing in RISAFloor?
January 5, 2012

How Do I Assign Joists with Exact Spacing in RISAFloor?

If you want to assign joists in a framing bay with an exact spacing RISAFloor will allow you to specify which side of the bay you want the program to start the spacing measurement from. Go to the Generate Beams within Bay option from the Drawing toolbar. Select the Exact Spacing of option in the...

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How to Import a RISASection Shape into RISA-3D
December 14, 2011

How to Import a RISASection Shape into RISA-3D

RISASection 2.0 includes the ability to assign your section as one of the predefined hot rolled steel Shape Types (Wide Flange, Channel, Tube, etc.). This means that when the shape is imported into RISA-3D, you will now be able to get design results and code checks for the member.

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How to Check Floor Vibrations Using RISAFloor
October 13, 2011

How to Check Floor Vibrations Using RISAFloor

One of the most overlooked design criteria for commercial buildings is the tendency of the floor system to bounce or vibrate due to human footfalls. Excessive vibration of the floor system is a serviceability issue, and can lead to annoyance or concern from the building’s occupants.

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How to Assign Column Splices in RISAFloor
October 6, 2011

How to Assign Column Splices in RISAFloor

RISAFloor has the ability to model column splices for all columns. You have the choice of a Moment or Shear splice depending upon what type of forces you want the splice to transfer. There are a few different ways to define your splices that give you flexibility in assigning them to your columns.

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Building Cross Sections using DXF
September 22, 2011

Building Cross Sections using DXF

The latest version of RISASection, includes a powerful new DXF import feature. This feature allows the user to import any 2D geometry into RISASection for the calculation of the cross-sectional properties and the import into RISA-2D, RISA-3D or RISAFloor for use in the larger model.

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