February 27, 2023
IBC 2021 Is Now Available!
RISA-3D, RISAFloor and RISAFoundation now include support for IBC 2021!
If you've ever wondered what it’s like to be an industrial structural engineer, let me paint you a picture: Imagine juggling a dozen problems at once—steel frames, conveyor supports, pipe racks, tank foundations—all while trying to decipher a set of drawings that look like they were faxed from 1997. And, of course, every single solution is needed yesterday. But don’t worry! With the right tools (cough RISA and ADAPT cough), navigating this daily chaos becomes a lot more manageable. So, grab your coffee (black, obviously), and let’s walk through a typical day. 6:30 AM: Morning Coffee & Evaluating Additional Loads The first email of the day: “Can we add another 10,000 lbs of equipment to the mezzanine? What about seismic drift and vibration?” Instead of a lengthy hand calculation, you fire up RISAFloor and check gravity load distribution. Exporting to RISA-3D, you analyze modal frequencies and check if the additional weight will push the structure into an uncomfortable range for human occupancy. Seismic drift is next. A quick response spectrum analysis in RISA-3D confirms that the drift is still within acceptable limits. You send your report with confidence—no major framing changes required. 9:00 AM: Field Issue - Pipe Rack Base…
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RISA-3D, RISAFloor and RISAFoundation now include support for IBC 2021!
RISAFoundation Version 14 includes new and improved tools for the modification of slab edges, openings and thickness. The new version allows users to easily modify corner points of thickened regions or openings by first selecting the corner and then dragging it to a new location. Additionally,...
As more engineers trust RISAFoundation for their foundation design needs, additional requests and features are added in order to provide the most robust and comprehensive design options possible. In RISAFoundation, users can design a single pile without a slab or pile cap. This allows engineers to...
The new Smart Corners feature in RISAFoundation Version 14 allows for the ability to draw continuous footings without causing overlapping slabs at the corner. To implement this, check the "Keep Wall Continuous" option when drawing a Lateral/Custom Strip Footing. For more information about this...
RISA software is staying current with all the Windows updates in order to bring you the best quality that Windows recommends. Unfortunately, that means it will require a little extra time during installation and your computer could require a reboot more than once. The current versions of RISA...
RISAFoundation has the ability to display the enveloped contour diagram results for soil pressure. The graphical display of enveloped soil pressures is advantageous because it allows users to quickly identify the degree of influence the loads and slab geometry have on the soil.
Seismic factors, including Omega, Rho and Ev, can now be included in automatically generated Load Combinations. Values for Omega and Rho shall be entered into the Seismic tab of the Model Settings to be considered in the analysis.
New to RISA-3D v19 and RISAFoundation v13 is the ability to apply up to 100 "Other Load" Categories. Previously users only had the ability to add up to 10 "Other Load" Categories. The expansion of "Other Load" Categories gives the user more flexibility to be able to apply and organize the loading...
New to RISAFloor and RISAFoundation is the ability to exclude results by selection. Excluding results from your model is useful when there are certain elements whose results aren’t of interest to you. Removing this clutter from the results will enable you to concentrate on the elements you are most...
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