November 11, 2016
Adding Roof Parapets in RISAFloor
RISAFloor v11 now includes the option to add parapets and parapet loading to a building.
Transitioning from one structural engineering software to another can seem daunting, but with careful planning and the right resources, the process can be both efficient and rewarding. If your firm is considering moving from RAM Concept to ADAPT-Builder for concrete structure design and analysis, this guide will walk you through the transition step by step. Let’s explore how to make the switch seamless, including tips for importing existing models, utilizing training resources, and enhancing your BIM workflows with ADAPT-Builder. Step 1: Understand Why You’re Switching Before diving into the transition, it’s crucial to understand your firm’s goals. ADAPT-Builder offers advanced post-tensioned (PT) concrete design capabilities, enhanced integration with BIM workflows, and tools for modeling complex slab systems. Clearly defining the benefits you hope to achieve will help guide your transition plan and team buy-in. Step 2: Preparing Your Existing Models for Import While RAM Concept and ADAPT-Builder are different platforms, many of your existing models can be leveraged to streamline your workflow. Follow these tips to make the process smoother: Export from RAM Concept: Export your models in an interoperable format, such as DXF for geometry or Excel for load and design data. Check Data Consistency: Ensure that geometry, loads,…
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RISAFloor v11 now includes the option to add parapets and parapet loading to a building.
RISAFloor does not record the applied area loads in a spreadsheet. To simplify modeling, it instead assumes a default area load over the entire diaphragm area. Additionally, you are free to apply area loads beyond the default loads. Whatever is drawn last will be considered the applied loading...
In a model that contains both RISAFloor and RISA-3D data it is possible to define your diaphragms as either flexible or rigid for lateral design. You can do this from the Diaphragms spreadsheet in either program:
When using RISA Integration between RISASection and RISA-3D, RISA-2D and/or RISAFloor, there are a few common mistakes that people make when attempting to access the RISASection files from the Shape Database.
RISAFloor has the ability to assign camber design rules which allow the user more control over which members are cambered. A camber is the slight upward curvature of a steel beam which is used to compensate for deflection. A user can assign a camber directly to a member or set up design rules to...
Mechanically graded wood materials have been added for the AWC NDS 2015 design code per Table 4C, and CSA O86-14 design code per tables 6.3.2 and 6.3.3. This specification includes the updated MEL and MSR design values.
The latest versions of RISA-3D and RISAFloor now incorporate the AWC NDS 2015. The new provisions have been implemented in RISA-3D v14.0 and RISAFloor v10.0 and can be utilized by selecting the AWC NDS-15: ASD from the Wood dropdown menu on the Codes tab of Model Settings.
The new ACI 318-14 code has been implemented into RISA-3D v14, RISAFloor v10, and RISAFoundation v8.
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