The Internal Force Summation Tool for Walls
March 10, 2015

The Internal Force Summation Tool for Walls

You may be familiar with the Internal Force Summation Tool (IFST) that is currently present in RISA-3D. However, a new tool has been added which allows you to click point to point within a wall and will only sum forces between these two points. Previously when using the IFST, forces were summed...

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Canadian Wood Design now Available
February 26, 2015

Canadian Wood Design now Available

Timber design per the Canadian CSA 086-2009 design code is now available. Canadian wood member design is very similar to the US NDS member design. There are slightly different load factors, material properties, shape tables, and capacity equations, but the overall modeling procedure in RISA is the...

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What's New for Code Updates in RISA
February 17, 2015

What's New for Code Updates in RISA

New codes have been added to RISA-3D v13 and RISAFloor v9, these include: AISI S100-12: Cold-Formed Steel Design Code CSA 086-09: Canadian Wood Design Code ACI 530-13: Masonry Design Code To select these codes for your design, simply choose them from the Codes tab of Global Parameters:

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Approximate Guidelines for Plate Meshing
January 15, 2015

Approximate Guidelines for Plate Meshing

It is important to submesh plate elements in your model in order to obtain the most accurate results. However, many users wonder what the approximate guidelines for plate dimensions are acceptable.

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What do the Unbraced Length commands Segment and Lbyy mean?
December 3, 2014

What do the Unbraced Length commands Segment and Lbyy mean?

Aside from leaving an unbraced length blank or inputting a fixed distance, you can harness the program’s ability to use a limited intelligence for determining unbraced lengths. In order to do this you can simply type in the name of the Unbraced Length Commands into the unbraced length field.

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What do the Unbraced Lengths represent?
November 19, 2014

What do the Unbraced Lengths represent?

Understanding unbraced lengths and how RISA software accounts for them is essential in the design of any project. In RISA there are three main types of unbraced lengths:

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How do Unbraced Lengths affect Analysis?
November 12, 2014

How do Unbraced Lengths affect Analysis?

The axial compression and flexure strength of beams and columns is dependent on the spacing of elements which provide bracing along the length of those members. You may specify unbraced lengths as a fixed distance or by using RISA’s Unbraced Length Commands. These unbraced lengths are used for...

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Code Requirements for Panel Zone Shear Deformation
October 29, 2014

Code Requirements for Panel Zone Shear Deformation

Code requirements for consideration of panel zone shear deformation can be confusing. This blog post discusses some of the basis for these code requirements and when one can consider them to be met and when one cannot.

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How Do I Create Offset Connections in RISA-3D?
September 11, 2014

How Do I Create Offset Connections in RISA-3D?

By default RISA-3D draws all members as line elements located at the centroid of the cross-section. However, connections between members are not always aligned with a member’s centroid. There may be horizontal or vertical offsets in the connection. To account for these you can add rigid links to...

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