February 23, 2017
Using Transverse Stiffeners and Web Doublers Together
RISAConnection v7 now allows both Transverse Column Flange Stiffeners and Column Web Doublers to be applied to Beam to Column Moment Connections.
If you've ever wondered what it’s like to be an industrial structural engineer, let me paint you a picture: Imagine juggling a dozen problems at once—steel frames, conveyor supports, pipe racks, tank foundations—all while trying to decipher a set of drawings that look like they were faxed from 1997. And, of course, every single solution is needed yesterday. But don’t worry! With the right tools (cough RISA and ADAPT cough), navigating this daily chaos becomes a lot more manageable. So, grab your coffee (black, obviously), and let’s walk through a typical day. 6:30 AM: Morning Coffee & Evaluating Additional Loads The first email of the day: “Can we add another 10,000 lbs of equipment to the mezzanine? What about seismic drift and vibration?” Instead of a lengthy hand calculation, you fire up RISAFloor and check gravity load distribution. Exporting to RISA-3D, you analyze modal frequencies and check if the additional weight will push the structure into an uncomfortable range for human occupancy. Seismic drift is next. A quick response spectrum analysis in RISA-3D confirms that the drift is still within acceptable limits. You send your report with confidence—no major framing changes required. 9:00 AM: Field Issue - Pipe Rack Base…
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RISAConnection v7 now allows both Transverse Column Flange Stiffeners and Column Web Doublers to be applied to Beam to Column Moment Connections.
RISA-3D now supports hot rolled steel design for the Canadian market according to CSA S16-14.
RISAFloor v11 includes the ability to re-position selected elements such as beams, columns, walls, and nodes in your model. On the Graphic Editing Toolbar, click on the Move Selected Items button to open the Move Selected Items dialog box.
Now available in RISAFoundation v9 is the ability to design masonry retaining walls and strip footings with the latest US codes. Simply define your masonry wall and reinforcement parameters in the Wall Footing Definition Editor and then draw your wall footing.
These include:
In RISA-3D, RISAFloor, and RISAFoundation the cursor now provides additional information regarding the cursor coordinates. As you move your cursor around on your screen, a box adjacent to your cursor will appear and populate with the coordinates of the cursor.
RISAFloor v11 now includes the ability to create custom column strip widths in order to optimize the design of slab reinforcement.
In the RISA-3D when you model a WT brace it exists at the member centroid, which means that no bending ends up in the brace due to the fact that the brace is actually eccentric to the braced frame.
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