How Do Flexible Diaphragms Work on Sloped Roofs?
April 23, 2020

How Do Flexible Diaphragms Work on Sloped Roofs?

RISAFloor supports the use of flexible diaphragms on both flat and sloped roofs. Before reviewing the workflow for utilizing a flexible diaphragm on a sloped roof, it makes sense to review and understand the basic behavior of flexible diaphragms within RISAFloor. To do this, please first review the...

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RISA-3D v18.0.4 Released
April 15, 2020

RISA-3D v18.0.4 Released

Over the last few weeks, we have been working hard to add the features and functionality that our customers have requested as well fix some of the issues that have been reported. With that in mind, we have prepared a new update of RISA-3D (v18.0.4) that includes the following features as well as...

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Understanding Out-of-Plane Shear Capacity of Concrete Wall Panels
April 7, 2020

Understanding Out-of-Plane Shear Capacity of Concrete Wall Panels

When designing concrete shear walls for lateral loading, RISA-3D includes design checks for both in-plane and out-of-plane shear. In the condition where a concrete wall is under both axial tension and out-of-plane shear, the out-of-plane shear limit state for a specific region within the concrete...

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Introducing RISA Live!
April 1, 2020

Introducing RISA Live!

With many of us working from home, our support team wanted to be able to connect with our customers where they are: in front of their computers. With that in mind, we are excited to introduce RISA Live. These live sessions, will take place every Thursday at 2pm EST (11am PST) and will focus on...

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How Can I Optimize My Members in RISA-3D?
March 30, 2020

How Can I Optimize My Members in RISA-3D?

In RISA-3D when drawing members you must start with initial sizes. After loading and load combinations are completed the model is solved and then member design must be done, making sure that members pass for both strength and serviceability considerations. For both strength and serviceability...

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Importing a DXF File into RISA-3D
March 25, 2020

Importing a DXF File into RISA-3D

RISA-3D allows users to import dxf files directly from software like AutoCAD, Microstation and ArchiCAD. Upon import, the files can be used either as a dxf underlay, giving the user the ability to trace complex geometry in RISA-3D or as a direct import in order to convert members and plates into...

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