Elevate your outputs using the recently enhanced Tendon and Rebar Display Managers in ADAPT-Builder (23.0.0). ADAPT-Builder (23.0.0) gives users more control over the appearance of tendons and reinforcement thus saving time when it comes to creating tendon and reinforcement plans for submittals.

Seamless Output:
Print to a printer, PDF file, or export to CAD with confidence, ensuring that the output aligns with what has been set up in the model space.

Customize Reinforcement with Ease:
Effortlessly adjust line types, thickness, symbols, coloring, and more to meet CAD standards before printing to PDF or exporting to DWG/DXF files.
Tailored Tendon Text:
Choose what info to display along the tendon. Move tendon text easily to avoid overlap on the screen.

Layered Excellence:
Exported tendons and reinforcement and their associated information get exported to different layers in DWG/DXF files for easy modification within CAD.
Codes and Methodology:
The Tendon and Rebar Display Managers are available for all design codes.

For more information on ADAPT-Builder features, check out our release notes below.