Member Configuration
The connection rule must be applied to both sides of the splice (either beam to beam or column to column)
Available Connection Types
The following Splice Connections are currently supported in RISAConnection:
Shear Splices (Beam to Beam, Column to Column)
Beam Moment Splices (Direct Weld, End Plate, Flange Plate)
Column Moment Splices (Direct Weld, End Plate, Flange Plate)
Specific Connection Requirements
For beam to beam and column to column splices, both members must be oriented in the same direction.
Both beams/columns must be wide flanges
Individual Shear Splice Connections
Individual Moment Splice Connections
To learn more about the process of defining connections in RISA-3D or to review information about other connection types, check out the main article in this series (link below):
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