The latest release of ADAPT-Builder (23.0.0) includes the ability to design one-way slabs and beams for the effects of torsion. Through the shear design options of the criteria window the user can choose to check the torsional threshold only or, where the threshold is exceeded, design for the effects of torsion.

ADAPT-Builder calculates longitudinal and transverse reinforcement to tackle torsional effects. You can easily review torsion results through the user-friendly Results View panel, similar to the one-way shear results.
Codes and Methodology
Torsion design has been implemented for the ACI318-19 and ACI318-19(22) codes. You can design torsion using the Equilibrium method of ACI318-19(22), or the Compatibility method of ACI318-19(22)

For more information on ADAPT-Builder features, check out our release notes below.