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RISA | RISA Employee Spotlight: Samiul Alam

Written by RISA | May 25, 2021

Samiul Alam is an Applications Engineer at RISA and has been with the company since December 2020. After receiving a BS in Civil Engineering from UC Irvine and a Master of Engineering in Structural Design from USC, he held roles as a design, project, and lead engineer designing and analyzing a variety of non-building and building structures including oil platforms, blast resistant modular structures and theme park attractions.

In his role as an Applications Engineer, Samiul enjoys communicating with customers to provide solutions for their engineering challenges, specifically when it comes to helping them troubleshoot and understand model behavior. In addition to his work in technical support, Samiul enjoys being an active part of the development of the products, ensuring that customer requests are incorporated.

A daily coffee drinker, Samiul loves to travel and experience new cultures and food when not at work. Over the past 5 years, he and his wife have traveled to twelve international destinations and fourteen domestic destinations and is looking forward to new adventures with his growing family in the near future.

Where is your favorite place in the world?

Oahu, Hawaii

If you could have dinner with anyone in the world (dead or alive), who would it be?

Elon Musk

What is currently at the top of your Netflix queue?

Schitt'$ Creek

What three words best describe you?

Analytical, Reliable, Sympathetic

What is your favorite quote?

“Small steps can lead to big changes”