The RISA Educational Grant Program allows universities to purchase a annual 20-user license of RISA-3D, RISAFloor, RISAFoundation, ADAPT-Builder PT, and ADAPT-PT/RC for one low price!
To learn more about the RISA Educational Grant Program, contact our Sales Team at (800) 332-RISA or
Students and Professors can utilize a special, free version of RISA-2D which is aimed at teaching and understanding the basics of structural analysis. While this version has a limited number of features, it will prove to be a useful tool in expanding the students structural engineering knowledge.
To request access to this free version of RISA-2D specifically geared towards university students, please reach out to Additionally, students and professors can utilize the link below to access a PDF tutorial to be used with the education version.
Please note that this version of RISA-2D is for educational purposes only. If you are a practicing engineers, you can request and download a full featured, 10-day trial license of any RISA product by clicking the link below: