RISA-3D now supports hot rolled steel design for the Canadian market according to CSA S16-14.
New to RISAFloor and RISA-3D is the ability to set the L-Torque length for the CSA S16-14 code. In previous versions of the Canadian code, RISAFloor and RISA-3D used the full member length as the torque length when calculating torsional buckling. Now per CSA S16-14 Clause 13.3.2, we’ve added the L-Torque input for the Canadian steel code similar to how it is done in the AISC 13th/14th. The input for L-Torque length is entered in the Members spreadsheet or in the Property Grid.
The Detail Report shows the torque length separate from the other lengths for CSA S16-14:
For the 2009 and 2014 Canadian steel code, when the section is Class 4 (slender cross-section) the program uses an effective yield stress Fye. Thus the code check on class 4 members (for CSA S16-09 and CSA S16-14), uses a yield strength that is different from the specified material Fy. A note has been added to the Detail Report indicating to the user what yield strength values were used which can be important information when trying to reproduce the output values. The Fy has only been adjusted to Fye so that the program is meeting the limiting b/t ratios per the code.